Friday 27 January 2012

Who says exercise is good for you?

Day 3

Oh dear. 4 hours of exercise classes in two days does not bode well with my body. Frankly I feel like I am crippled, or an old biddy. No offence to old ladies or anyone who may have an unfortnate disability, but for someone who is able I do not feel quite so much. I hurt. Every time I move I hurt. If it's not my legs it's my arms and vice versa. It's a good pain, I know it's a good pain, it obviosuly means, by want of an oxymoron, that I've done my body some good, my body just doesn't much like it.

i've been limping around work, the boys and girl have laughed and mocked, of course i have laughed along with them, it's all done in jest and I think I'm just as pathetic as I probably sound and looked. I talk about people laughing at me, I suppose I really mean with me. By the way, in case anyone ever thinks the people i work with are awful and victimise me, they don't. I love them all to pieces, we're like a little family and take the michael out of eachother all of the time, it's just how we roll.

Anyway, back to my poor poor body. I have, over the past two days done Body Pump, Body Combat, Body Attack and Body Balance. I'm not made for it, but i've given it a go and done the best I could. I was talking to the instructor at the local sport centre who said I'd feel the difference ina couple of months time, aim for two cardio classes a week to build general fitness levels, two strength classes a week, to, well, build up my strength, and one that stretches out the muscles.

Naturally I am, as I always am, at my parents for the weekend, so I will take the weekend off off exercise, but have another hour on Monday (Body Attack), Badminton with my work lovelies on Tuesday, followed by Body Pump and Body Balance, and then it's back to Body Pump and Body Combat on Wednesday...this will be my life for somewhere in the region of oh 10 months. I do have a holiday between now and then...but still quite some time.

Now I must get back to resting my limbs after a traumaticly painful day. It's good they tell me. Haha, who says exercise is good for you? I certainly never had pain before all this.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Immortal & Invincible.

Day 1

So, what do you do when the most unsporty, unagile, unathletic person (that's me by the way) tells you she's signing up for Tough Mudder? You'll do either one of three things as I've found out, you'll either go what hells that (to which she'll explain and you'll take the next option) You'll laugh or you'll go great I'll give it a go with or, I'll trow in a fourth option, you'll do all three.

So what on Earth have I signed up for? Well I suppose it's a combination of things. Life is pretty dull, on the most part I am skint, my evenings and time spent outside of work is almost completed wasted, and me, well see above...and as well as being un-everything remotely related to anything a bit the couple of stone I've put in in the last couple of years as a result of being far to comfortable in the four walls I like to call "the office" filled with waaaay too many good treats says, yes, I must do something.

Tough Mudder then. Well I discovered it as a result of a Facebook ad just before Christmas. I took one look and thought, that's so completely insane, I'd love to give it a go. My best friend gave me the best encouragement by immediately agreeing to take part (without researching what it actually was) he boyfriend looked it up, mocked me slightly, and after I told him not to be a wimp agreed to take part too.

So I mentioned it at work, I tried to rope the boys and girl in, but they pretty much value their limbs and aren't quite brave enough (or they might just be far more sensible and realistic than me).

So anyway, this morning I officially created my team, signed up and paid my pennies. Which means there is no backing out now. I have 10 months to get my body ready for the 12 mile obstacle course full of ice cold waters, monkey bars hay barrels, fire walls, electrice name it, it's probably all contained within those 12 miles. A tough feat by anyones standards, but for me...probably the biggest challenge of my life. I've always been the fattest, slowest least athletic of all my abs...well I (almost) literally have no core strenght, no arm strength, no leg strength, I basically was never cut out for physical exertion, I would far rather sit on the sofa with my legs up and a giant bar of Cadbury's....or Galaxy, so long as it's Chocolate, to be fair I'm not really fussy.

Oh and I forgot to mention in order to take part in this event you must sign a death waiver...which I have done this morning, I like to think that it elleviates me from death and means I am for the forseeable future immortal and so invincible. So I've rejoined the sport centre and training starts tonight with a session of Body Pump followed by Body combat. A good idea? I'm invincible's a GREAT idea.